Frozen Blogs is an independent news blog for people interested in natural health, living with awareness and elevating their consciousness. We author and aggregate mind-opening articles, editorials and videos that inspire our readers and liberate them from the status quo.

We welcome contributing writers to submit their original content.

Submission Guidelines

Word count: There is no minimum word count, although the ideal post runs between 300 and 1000 words.

Lists: Posts offering numbered lists are typically popular, such as “16 Ways to Amp Up Your Brain Power” and “4 Steps to Improve the World.”


Original content: We welcome original articles and posts that are not already distributed to other websites, but are unique to personal blogs or are original to Frozen Blogs.

Marketing driven content: We are not interested in articles that promote a specific product or service, or are designed with the purpose of link building to boost SEO efforts.

Acceptance notification: You will be notified about the acceptance of your article within 7 business days. We appreciate and thoroughly read all submissions, although we may not be able to personally engage or respond to all contributors and writers.

To Send Your Submission

Please submit articles as text within a body of an email, as an MS Word document, or link to

All supporting images should be attached to the submission email with references to original sources if you do not have image rights.

Thank you for your contributions to this forward thinking project.